Present. Killean, Kilchenzie,(KKCPA), Rory Colville,
Kilkivan group (LOAF). Valerie Nimmo, John Armour, Elizabeth McTaggart.
David Rennie (social enterprise officer, Argyll and Bute council)
To progress the work required in the three churches.
David advised that a joint application from the two groups (LOAF, KKCPA) would facilitate the progress, and that one of the organizations should be nominated as the lead in agreement with the other.
(To avoid setting up new constitution, new bank account etc).
Agreements for such a partnership would include,
Establishing a partnership agreement for fixed period (3 years?)
Sub-group identified to take project forward with representatives appointed from both groups
Requires new partnership constitution
regular meetings and reports back to LOAF & KKCPA
financial agreement over money received and spent, funding ringfenced for 3 projects
This arrangement would increase the chances of grant applications receiving support.
David also advised that we should also look to other funders to include
community engagement
accessibility….. etc.
David Action framework from previous agreements to be forwarded.
Identify and coordinate any action re council assets
Valerie Action Set up joint meeting to agree partnership
Produce a draft agreement plan
John Action approach to Fergus Murray, Jim Smith, Paul Martin re possibility of Council Officer taking overall responsibility while groups manage project. Council could reclaim VAT.