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Present: M McDonald (Chair), V Nimmo (Minutes), J Armour, R Colville, G Lawson, K Pytasz
Apologies: E Macdonald
Welcome: M McDonald welcomed everyone to the meeting
Minutes: It should be noted that LOAF and KKCPA signed an agreement on 14th November 2023 to work together.
Treasurer’s Report:
KKCPA in process of adding G Lawson as one of their bank signatories. Also moved to online banking to make payments easier.
V Nimmo reported that LOAF had received £5000 from CCWF towards the project.
Chairman’s Report
M McDonald had contacted OSCR to inform them of our joint venture and to inquire of any additional requirements. Since no reply within 28 days, it was to be assumed that OSCR was OK with this.
M McDonald advised of the email setting out the scope of work and fees by K Pytasz.
Preparation of expression of interest, grant and SMC application for the Emergency Work, grant and SMC application for the main phase of work – £750+VAT
Preparation of tender documents for the contractors to price the main phase of work, meeting the tenderers at three churches, obtaining tenders and reporting – £1850+VAT. This scope of work will be required once HES approves the grant application “in principle”.
Update from K Pytasz:
K Pytasz has submitted an Expression of Interest to HES and is now awaiting a reply.
K Pytasz had issued tenders for the emergency work and explained the need for an archaeological report. She recommended that AOC with the lowest quotation be appointed.
K Pytasz stated that we were on schedule to have both grant applications, emergency and big, submitted by the end of February.
Dated of Next Meeting 05-02-24 at 9.00am by Zoom
Or an earlier date if HES replies to Krystyna