LOAF-KKCPA Sub-group – Minutes of Meeting 08-04-24

Meeting room by Matheus Natan on Pexels.

Held by Zoom

Present: M McDonald (Chair), V Nimmo (Minutes), R Colville, G Lawson, K Pytasz, J Armour

Welcome: M McDonald welcomed everyone to the meeting

Minutes: Agreed.

Matters arising: M McD reported that the meeting with David Rennie was helpful, but would need to contact him again to get an update on the draft licence

Treasurer’s Report:

KKCPA still waiting for signatures from two Trustees.

Invoice from KP for HES app – £400 paid by KKCPA, Loaf paid KKCPA £200, their share.

Chairperson’s Report

Application to Pilgrim Trust ready to go. Have applied for £60,000 over 3 years.

Application in to Cour Community Fund for £30,000.

Also applications to WKCC Windfarm Trust, KKCPA for £6095 and LOAF £5000. M McD to attend disbursement meeting on 15th April in Tayinloan Village Hall and hopefully one other.

Other funds available but not open at present, Wolfson Foundation, Mickel Fund and WKCommunity Fund

VN had contacted Antonia Baird, A&B Community Engagement Officer, who has provided some useful ideas, to stimulate interest by the public to advise of the national importance of the sites.

It was agreed to hold an information evening with invitations going out to Kintyre Antiquarians, Old Pals, Kintyre Way, Route 66, Explore Campbeltown, Explore Kintyre, churches. Oliver Lewis, KP, Council reps, National Press to be invited.

Date to be decided at next meeting.

GL to work with Antonia Baird to produce a short survey. Something along the lines of Do you think these sites are important, should they be preserved, should they be open to the public etc. Draft survey for next meeting.

Update from K Pytasz:

Grant application to HLT for emergency work ready to be submitted,, working on main grant application to HLT.

Suggested we have a press release to update public on what we are doing.

Will create a spreadsheeet to cover all grant applications to be updated fortnightly.


Date of Next Meeting 06-05-24 at 09.00am by Zoom

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