Machrihanish Village Hall
Present: John Armour (convener), Valerie Nimmo (Secretary/treasurer)
Elizabeth McTaggart, (Minute secretary)
Angus Nimmo, Alister Nimmo, Margaret Nimmo, Anne Stewart, Les Oman,
Kate Oman, Margaret Rankin, Kirsteen Graham, Pat Healey, Dave Bassett,
Jennifer Kelly, Rhona Kelly, Julie Merrifield, Martin Ward, Jillian Blair,
Mike Peacock, Elizabeth Marrison, Iain Russell
Apologies: Margaret Laing, Vickie Mackenzie, Alison Leith. Sandra Mathieson,
Graham Powell, Sarah Livingstone, Cameron McLellan, Margaret Wallace,
- Minutes of AGM 14 August 23 were read and approved.
- Convener’s report.
Annual report was reviewed and approved (Attached)
A website for the Kilkivan site has been created by Cameron McLellan. Many thanks to Cameron whose work has produced a valuable resource.
- Thanks to Alison Leith for acting as admin for Facebook page.
- Treasurer’s report
Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved. (Attached)
Meetings have taken place between LOAF, Kilkenzie and Killean sites. (See Convener’s report)
Monies from grants applied through LOAF will come direct to the Kilkivan project, though Killean and Kilkenzie have access to more funds and will share these if required.
Emergency works are required to make the sites safe.
HES will hopefully fund up to 40%
LOAF, Killean and Kilkenzie have raised equivalent funding from other sources.
Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund – £5000
West Kintyre Community Windfarm Fund – £5000
Tangy Windfarm fund £1500
Drumlemble Hall Fund £3500
- Election of Office Bearers
Convener John Armour unanimously approved
Vice Convener Ewen Macdonald unanimously approved
Secretary/Treasurer Valerie Nimmo unanimously approved
Minute Secretary Elizabeth McTaggart
- Looking forward.
At the Kilkivan site, Historic Environment Scotland see it as important to make the south wall safe The mediaeval grave slabs will be removed from their present unsafe site to a place where work on conservation can be begun.
An application to Historic Environment Scotland has been made for the complete conservation of all three sites by LOAF – KKCPA and an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund is in progress.
LOAF – KKCPA have also applied for grants from various agencies in the area, and those with an interest in Heritage projects.
Springbank Distillery, Glen Scotia Distillery, Kintyre Antiquarian & natural History Society,
Pilgrim Trust, Idlewild Trust, Mickel Fund, Dalrymple Donaldson Fund, Wolfson Foundation, SPR, SSEN, EnergyKontor
LOAF suggests an annual membership fee of £5.00 per member to cover printing costs and the hiring of halls etc for meetings and this was agreed.
Thanks to Valerie Nimmo for her work with LOAF and with Killean and Kilkenzie, proposed by the convener and agreed unanimously
LOAF needs reps for the sub group who meet online (ZOOM or TEAMS) once a month with Killean and Kilkenzie
V.Nimmo. E.McTaggart. M Ward
Listing of gravestones and mediaeval slabs is a significant concern
Covering and protecting slabs in the short term.
All three sites need preservation. Kilkivan will be treated first.
- Correspondence
letter from Graham Powell, stonemason, relating to his possible valuable input, including working with volunteers possible creation of apprenticeships. This would be very welcome.