Held by Teams
Present: M McDonald (Chair), V Nimmo (Minutes), R Colville, G Lawson, K Pytasz, E McTaggart, D Rennie
Welcome: M McDonald welcomed everyone to the meeting
Minutes: Agreed.
Treasurer’s Report:
KKCPA still awaiting signatures of two Trustees.
Total money £28095, of this emergency money £21095 and £7000 from Cour/Fern Windfarm Fund for large works. This latter to cover cost of conservation work at Killean and Kilkivan graveyards and must be spent within 12 months of award unless extension agreed.
VN to send GL exact names of LOAF grant funders.
Chairperson’s Report
Application to Fern/Cour Windfarm Trust partially successful received £7000 of £30000 applied for.
Application for £30000 to Wolfson Foundation in progress
Survey – need to push this particularly among young people. Suggested contact with Head teachers at Campbeltown GS and Tarbert HS.
VN/EMcT will contact CGS.
DR suggested contacting Live Argyll – Youth Worker to obtain opinions of young people in an alternative way. – VN/EMcT
3 laminated posters to be made, one for each site directing visitors to our website. VN
Council Update
DR had held meeting with relevant Council Officers, who were all supportive. A Heads of Terms online agreement is in process. This sets out what is going to be in the lease/licence, the final legal document. The Heads of Terms should allow applications to progress.
RC reported on meeting with Councillor Armour re footpath along A83 from carpark.
RC/GL sign at Kilchenzie, directs visitors to an A & B Council telephone number, but this is not being answered. DR to investigate.
VN reported on well attended meeting, 21 present, 9 apologies. Among those keen to volunteer their services
Graham Powell – stonemason, Anne Stewart – knitwear designer, Jason McCallum – printing and marketing of booklet, Paul Barnham – conservation architect.
KP tricky to have GP involved at present due to insurance issues with main contractor
MMcD indicated that Tom Addyman , who did 5 churches report, also keen to be involved, possible speaker at public meeting.
Update from K Pytasz:
Confirmation received from HES of Emergency Grant Funding, contract not signed yet, so exact % unknown.
Suggesting that emergency work might start in the latter part of August or early September.
Application to HLF in process. KP has had good conversation with HLF.
KP stated public access to Kilchenzie was critical for applications. DR more visitors, becomes a public safety issue, needs highlighting to A&BC.
Public Meeting 29th July 2024
Campbeltown Town Hall Chambers booked for this date.
MMcD to send out invitations.
Discussions on format can be done on group chat.
VN to send QR code to KP and McMD
Date of Next Meeting 01-07-24 at 09.00am by Teams