LOAF-KKCPA Sub-group – Minutes of Meeting 02-09-2024

Meeting room by Matheus Natan on Pexels.

LOAF-KKCPA Sub-group

Minutes of Meeting 0209-24

Held by Teams

Present:  V Nimmo (temp chair/Minutes), G Lawson, E McTaggart, R Colville , K Pytasz, D Rennie.

Welcome:  V Nimmo welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies:  M McDonald.

Minutes:  Agreed..

Matters arising: Access to Kilchenzie – John Armour had contacted Transport Scotland/BEAR re the footpath, but was not hopeful that anything would be done in the near future. Suggestion that email sent from group reinforcing the urgency and safety issues – VN.

ACHA had agreed use of the Well Park car park provided residents were not adversely affected. VN to send email to KP..

Treasurer’s Report:  

Proforma invoice created and banking issues sorted.

VN to forward LOAF banking details.

GL to pay Nik Boyes £550, invoice for Provision of Transportation & Storage Method Statement.

Public Liability Insurance – 3 quotes obtained by GL, agreed to go with lowest quote, Zurich, which includes cover for any volunteers and indemnity for Trustees..

Chairperson’s Report

Report from M MCD

My apologies for not being there today.

I sent the amended Heads of Terms back to the Council on the 9th August.  If the sub-group is happy with the Terms we can officially let the Council know and minute it as acceptable. For the record, I’m happy with them.

The Wolfson Foundation replied to say that we will NOT be able to reapply for the same project – but if there was a different element, then we could apply for that.  Krystyna does think that our youth engagement might qualify and will look into that for us.

Gill has been in touch with Jamie Titterton regarding youth involvement and they have come up with some very innovative ideas and suggestions ranging from using more youth friendly language, working with VR technology, an art/photography element, and potential support with our currently limited on-line presence.  Krystyna and I are arranging a meeting with Jamie and hopefully our local Member for Scottish Youth Parliament to discuss how we can help each other. I have also contacted Khara at CHARTS to see if she would be interested in joining the discussion.

On Tuesday 27th, I spent 2 hours clearing, stomping and generally trying to shred as many brambles, thistles and overgrowth from inside the Heras fencing while Fiona Jackson from AOC laser mapped, photographed and recorded at Killean.  The laser does not penetrate through foliage – so I did the best I could.  The number of stones which have fallen, the increased depth of some of the gaps in the walls was quite sad to see. I took a few photos and have sent them to you, and the Trustees.  It makes me more determined than ever to get this project funded.

Amended heads of Terms agreed by those present.

GL mentioned using AI to connect with young people. E McT to revisit History teacher at CGS once school has settled in again.

Council Update

Council Officers happy to see the work going ahead. KP to forward Risk Assessments from contractors to Council.

Update from K Pytasz:  

Still waiting for permission to carry out work from HES.

Hopeful that a different area can be identified for application to Wolfson Foundation.

Application to Pilgrim Trust on hold pending response from HES/HLT. .


Access from Quarry Road to Kilkivan has been agreed by John Ralston, owner of field. VN to forward agreement email to KP.

Nik Boyes request for farmer to provide a tractor with a hydraulic powered front loader or a tele-handler and operator. This was passed to John Armour, who was confident that one of his farming associates would be agreeable.

Date will be agreed once HES has approved work.

Date of Next Meeting 0710-24 at 09.00am by Teams

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