LOAF-KKCPA Sub-group
Minutes of Meeting
CSP Marriage Room, Burnet Building, Campbeltown
On 4th November 2024 at 10.30am
Present: M McDonald (Chair), V Nimmo (Minutes), G Lawson, R Colville , E McTaggart, K MacPhail (left meeting at 10.50), K. Pytasz, D Rennie.
Welcome: M McDonald welcomed everyone to the meeting. A special welcome to Khara, who is joining our group as a rep of LOAF.
Apologies: None
Minutes: Agreed.
Matters arising: None
Treasurer’s Report:
GL reported £16,008 in bank. This includes £7000 ring-fenced for large project. ie £9008 available. All current invoices have been paid.
Still awaiting 50% contribution from HES for emergency works.
KP to chase up.
Chairperson’s Report
Heads of Term agreement received, signed by VN, on behalf of LOAF, and MMcD, on behalf of KKCPA, returned to Douglas Boutell at ABC.
MMcD has photographs of emergency bracing work done at Killean. These to be shared by web transfer and placed on website.
MMcD and KP have arranged a meeting with Jamie Titterton and Youth Action group on Wed 27th Nov. Possible visit to see stones being lifted?
MMcD important to note that HES consider the 11th/12th century walls of these three churches the most important part of the project.
Update from K Pytasz:
Removal of graveslabs work will be done w/b 25th November, assuming the following programme;-
25th – Arriving to Kintyre
26th – removal of the slabs
27th – completion of work
KP to pass on Sandy Pirie’s phone number to contractor so that they can coordinate the process. Thanks to Sandy Pirie for providing the telehandler to lift the slabs.
Process needs to be well documented, and publicity required. VN to contact Courier, Kenny Craig for photographs and drone operator for video footage.
Important for public to know that slabs will be coming back.
Funders want to know how we are going to raise money. Various suggestions, Knitting patterns, Mugs, etc. VN one LOAF member already working on knitting patterns.
Council Update
Kilchenzie gate padlocked again, see officers at Tuesday’s meeting, possible use of keysafe.
Funders, HLF, Robertson Trust, Awards for All, require information on how the public will be engaged in project – need Action Plan.
All present to produce their version of an Action Plan and return to VN by 25/11/24. VN will collate and return to committee by 2/12/24, for discussion at next meeting 9/12/24.
January meeting for fine tuning, then invitation to various local groups to February meeting to get their support and to identify how they could help.
VN to forward survey results to Antonia Baird.
DR Council contracts, over certain cost, contractors have to pay Community Benefit, likewise BEAR Scotland, another possible source of funding.
Date of Next Meeting 09-12-24 at 09.00am by Teams
(NB Second Monday)